Homer Heater, Jr.
Telephone: Mobile: 214-907-1090
Email: [email protected]
Web Page: www.homerheater.com
Burnsville (WV) High School, 1951
Washington Bible College, B.A., 1959
Capital Bible Seminary, Th.M., 1964
Major in Greek
Catholic University of America, M.A., 1967
Major in Hebrew/Aramaic
Catholic University of America, Ph.D., 1976
Major in Hebrew/Aramaic
Dissertation: A Septuagint Translation Technique in the Book of Job
Monitored by P. W. Skehan
Army National Guard (1950-1956)
U.S. Air Force (civilian) May to December 1952 (Warner Robins, Ga.)
U.S. Marine Corps (civilian) January 1953 to September 1955 (Washington, D.C.)
U.S. Treasury Department September 1955 to May 1959 (Washington, D.C.)
Adjunct instructor Washington Bible College 1959-1966
Adjunct Hebrew instructor Capital Bible Seminary 1966-69
Pastor, Derwood Bible Church, February 1959 to July 1966
Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Capital Bible Seminary 1969-1985
Academic Dean, Capital Bible Seminary 1973-1985
Interim pastor of six different churches
Professor of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary 1985-93
Interim Pastor, Community Bible Church, Irving, TX 1985-93
Academic Dean, Capital Bible Seminary 1993-1994
President Washington Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary 1994-2005
President Emeritus Washington Bible College/Capital Bible Seminary 2005-
Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew Capital Bible Seminary 2005-2007
Professor Emeritus Capital Bible Seminary 2007-
Minister at Large, BCM International 2008-
Adjunct Professor, Liberty Seminary, 2007-2017